Student Information
Helpful links to Student Services, Class information and other tools to guide you in your School year.
Helpful links to Student Services, Class information and other tools to guide you in your School year.
Links for parents on School information, Administration, Calendars and other helpful information
Staff login page to help teachers and staff guide their students along their educational journey.
Information and links to help you on your upcoming school registration for 2022-2023 year at Our School…/Bell-Times-2023-24-New-18.pdf
Kindergarten registrations – 2025 – 2026
East Central Public School is continuing to accept Kindergarten registrations for the 2025 – 2026 school year. If you have a child or know of someone in the community who has a child ready for Kindergarten, please apply on line or contact the school to fill out a registration form – 306-922-8329. Your child must turn five by December 31, 2025.
FOR ONLINE REGISTRATION CLICK HERE: 2025-2026 Student Registration Form (1)
Important School Bus Information
Unfortunately, with the sudden and long-term loss of a school bus driver in the East Central area we do not have a substitute bus driver to put on the route each day. This will mean disruptions to service and/or longer ride times for our students.
We will be communicating our ongoing plan with affected families as soon as possible.
It has now been almost 11 years since we have hired a school bus driver out of the East Central area. The challenges we face will only get worse with time if we are not able to bring on more drivers in your area.
You may have seen our previous posts asking for help, and we appreciate those of you who helped spread that message. We are once again asking each and every one of you to give us a call if there is a chance that this job may be right for you. We also ask you once again to spread the word, sharing this message with anyone you feel may be right for this job.
Please contact Ryan Bruce, Manager of Transportation Services at (306) 763-2323.
You can also apply online at
Thank you,
Ryan Bruce
Manager of Transportation Services
REMINDER: School Fees & PAA Fees are due by Sept.30, 2024.
School Fees – $30.00
PAA Fees – Grade 7 & 8 – $20.00
Thank you.
Before/After School Program
If you know of anyone attending our school that would benefit by using East Central Before/After Program, please refer them to this updated Policy & Registration Package, EC BeforeAfter School Registration 2024-2025 or have them call the school to pick up a copy. If you plan on using the program, part-time or full- time, please send postdated cheques for the entire school year (Sept. to June). Anyone using the Drop-In service will be invoiced at the end of each month. Any questions, please contact the school at 306-922-8329.